Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012


I loved this image, thought I'd share it with you all....have a Wacky Wednesday everyone!



Spelling:  10 sentences - choose 10 spelling words and write 10 different sentences.  Underline the spelling words in the sentences.

Language Arts:  1) Sentence Types w/s GR2
                            2) Comprehension w/s P. 11

Reading: RAZ Kids or read 20 minutes and have reading log signed

Math:  Reteaching 1-4 (Page 7)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Nothing earth-shattering to write today, so here's the homework list!


Spelling:   3 times cursive

Vocabulary: w/s P. 10

Language Arts: Practice Book P. 18 - sentence types

Math:  Reteaching 1-3 (Page 5) Place Value

Reading: RAZ Kids

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Magical Monday!!!

Good Monday morning to all.  I trust you and your family had a wonderful weekend, played, rested and went to bed early last night!!

This week begins our regularly scheduled programming.  We hit the books in Language Arts with our California Treasures curriculum.   In math we are continuing to work on place value and will be learning about tenths, hundredths and thousandths.  Place value is an extremely important skill for your child to learn and understand.  You can really help them on a daily basis, especially when you go shopping...point out those decimal places and have them name place value positions for numbers!

Here's a link to a very fun website with a game to help reinforce place value.  Trust me, your children will love it and will learn something too.

Spelling City is another great site for your kids to play around on.  The best thing about the site is that not only are they going to have fun learning how to spell, the words they will be learning are the weekly spelling words.  Every week your child will be having a new spelling list and each of these lists are available online at Spelling City.  If you are not sure how to find Ms. Bennett's lists, just follow these very simple directions:
  1. Go to (or click the link above)
  2. Click the tab "find a list"
  3. Type in Lisa Bennett in the "search term"
  4. Make sure it is set to search by "teacher name"
  5. Click "search"
Voila!  It's as easy as that.


Spelling:  Copy spelling words in ABC order

Vocabulary: Copy definitions

Language Arts: Sentence Types w/s GR1

Reading: RAZ Kids

Math: Place Value Reteaching 1-2 (Page 3)

Behavior Chart and Planner SIGNED by PARENT!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fun Day! Aug. 17th, 2012


Today is Friday Fun Day!  Nothing much to report on the blog, except that it's been a great start to the new school year.  

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, have fun and relax.

I leave you today with a cute cartoon to giggle at!

See you all on Monday.

Ms. Bennett

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

Happy Thursday to all - one more day until the weekend - YAY!!!
Parents -please remember to return the emergency information card to the school along with any other paperwork that hasn't been returned yet.

If you still owe $5 for the planner, please make sure your child brings in the money by the end of the week.  Thank you.

CONGRATULATIONS to all my 5th grade parents for returning the red information sheet I sent home.  It is the first time that I had 100% returned to me by the next day!! :)


Language Arts:     Shark Facts w/s

Reading:  RAZ Kids
1) listen
2) read
3) quiz

Math:  workbook Page 1 ONLY


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

Well I certainly hope your child's first day back at school yesterday was an exciting one and they are raring to go.

Thank you to all the parents and students that did check the blog yesterday, read the classroom guidelines and emailed me or commented with the answers to the two questions.

If you haven't already, please be sure to send in $5.00 for the planners.

Remember to return all paperwork required.

A HUGE THANKS to all the parents and students that brought in supplies, graphing notebooks, and other materials for the classroom.  I am forever grateful for your support.


  1. RAZ Kids - please choose a book from your level and 
      1. listen to the story
      2. read the story
      3. answer the questions
2.    Place Value w/s (math)

3.    Behavior chart signed
       Planner signed

Homework is a little light this week as I ease the students back into the idea of being back at school.  Next week you will be begin to see an increase to a more normal homework load.

Thank you again for your support and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at