Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

1) Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17th is PICTURE DAY.  Make sure your child is dressed up and looking their prettiest and handsomest.  They may bring a change of clothes for after their photos have been taken.  We are scheduled for first thing in the morning.

2) Thursday & Friday of this week are shortened days to due first round of parent conferences.  Students will be dismissed at 1:35 pm.

3) Friday, September 20th is the day for our Spelling Challenge.  5th Grade's team color is GREEN - if your child has a green t-shirt have them wear it in support of their grade level.  Make sure your child is practicing their words on Spelling City.

Spelling: ABC Order
Vocabulary: Copy Definitions
Reading: RAZ Kids
Math: Reteaching 6-1 Q. 1-4 only
            Practice 6-1 Q. 1-16 only

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