Monday, November 18, 2013

Mon. Nov. 18th, 2013

Happy Monday!  More Thanksgiving pictures will be coming this week as we lead up to next week's holiday.  
Take a moment to think about ALL you are thankful for!  Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know :)


Friday, Nov. 22nd is "Backwards Day"!!  Let your child have fun dressing backwards on that day!

Friday, Nov. 22nd is also our first Staff Appreciation Luncheon.  1st, 3rd and 5th grade parents are asked to bring in a dish to support and feed the wonderful staff here at Van Gogh.  There is a sign up in the office, or you can return the tear-off slip that was sent home in last week's Wednesday packet.

Spelling: ABC Order
Vocabulary: copy definitions
Reading: RAZ Kids
Math: Reteach 10-1
            Practice 10-1

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