Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Important Reminders for September

Good morning to all - I have lots of things I'd like to share with you today.

 1) Thursday, September 20th - PICTURE DAY. Please send your child to school looking their most beautiful!!  They may bring clothes to change into after their pictures have been taken.  Don't forget to send in your picture order in the envelope that was sent home to you a couple weeks ago. 

2) Friday, September 21st - VAN GOGH SPELLING CHALLENGE - Students will be participating in a school wide spelling challenge.  The 5th grade spelling challenge words have been uploaded to Spelling City.  Make sure you let your child go online to practice their words, play games and become 100% proficient.  In addition, this is a fund raiser for the school, so please collect as many pledges as you can and return the pledge form and money to me this week.

3) Parent Conferences - conferences are scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 27th and Friday, Sept. 28th.  I have notified all parents that I requested conferences with and confirmed our times.  

4) Early Dismissal - On Thursday, September 28th, students will be dismissed at 1:35 p.m.  A movie will be shown in the auditorium, the cost is $5.00, students will receive a bottle of water, some popcorn and some twizzlers.  This is also a fund raiser for the 5th grade overnight field trip, so we are encouraging to have as many 5th grade students there "representing"!!


The next deadline to return book orders is Friday, Sept. 28th.  You are also able to order online using our personal classroom code H84K9Click here if you wish to place your order online.


I have one last project that needs just $100 more to fully fund.   Our classroom will then receive another Barnes and Noble Nook.  I have less than 38 days to fully fund this project.  If you could help with a small donation, I know the students will be absolutely thrilled to receive another Nook for our ever-growing Electronic Library (currently we have 10!!).  Here's the link  

Well I think that's all for now.
Have a great week.

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