Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of Monday, October 8th, 2012

Good morning to all - yes, it is Monday again and we have another full week ahead in Room 32.

Language Arts 
This week the students will taking their first District Quarterly Literacy Assessment.  There are a total of 60 questions and they will be completing the assessment in chunks each day.   We are also beginning the 2nd unit of California Treasures.  This unit focuses on how the American West changed during this country's early years.  

The first quarterly District Math Assessment will begin next week.  We still have a lot of work to cover.  This week will be algebraic expressions and prime factors.  

Please remember it is vitally important for your child's education that they come to school every day, unless of course serious illness gets in the way or other family emergencies.  Often there is no time to catch them up if they are absent.

Tuesday, October 16th
All 5th grade students will be having a mandatory audio metric (hearing) test here at school.

Nothing much else to report, so have a great week.

Ms. Bennett

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