Monday, October 29, 2012

Week of October 29th, 2012

Well sorry :( but it is Monday!!

Here's an update of happenings for this week.

1) Congratulations to Alfredo Cossio for receiving the Student of the Month Award for demonstrating good manners!

2) I am sending home last week's Weekly Comprehension/Spelling/Grammar test.  Please be sure to sign and return.

3) I am also sending home today the results of your child's first quarter district Math Assessment.  Please also sign and return the bottom portion of the notice.

4)This week will be the 4th and 5th Grade 1st Quarter Science Assessment.  Please make sure your children study their study guides.  Next week they will begin their new rotation with either myself, Ms. Perry or Ms.. Valiquette (5th grade)

Wednesday, October 31st - a.k.a. Halloween

The annual Halloween parade will begin promptly at 12:45 pm.  Parents are welcome to watch from the sidelines and arrive earlier to help their children into costumes.  The parade will end at 1:30 and students will then be dismissed.  Have fun and enjoy the evening trick-or-treating if that's what you will be doing.

The school is once again doing a "Candy Split" - a flyer went home last week about it.  Your children will more than likely collect way too much candy.  We are asking that you halve your candy and bring the rest in for me!!!  No, seriously, we collect candy for a food shelter/community center that helps young children.  What a blessing it is to be able to help others.


A few other reminders:
1) Please be sure your child is logging onto RAZ kids everyday and completing the reading tasks in their reading level.  They must listen to a story, then read the same story to themselves, then they must take the quiz.

2) If you haven't yet committed to the 5th Grade overnight field trip, this is a gentle reminder that we must know your decision by December 1st along with a $50 deposit.

3) Please remember to sign your child's behavior chart and planner every day.  They will receive a color change for not completing homework if it is not signed.

4) Upcoming dates to remember: 
    Monday, November 12th - no school in observance of Veteran's Day
    School will be closed for the whole week of Thanksgiving Nov. 19th - 23rd

Ok, here's another cute picture to sign off with.  Have a great week everyone.  Remember to be kind and gentle to others.

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