Monday, October 21, 2013

Mon. Oct. 21, 2013

Welcome to a new week!

Here are a few reminders from Mary Huffman, our PTO president:
Urgent request for all families…please sign up to volunteer for an hour before, during or after the Fall Festival this Friday. In order to put events like this on, we need all families to participate. You can sign up in the office or go to and click on the volunteer spot link in the orange box.

We also need donations of water, soda, juice, nut-free candy, Halloween decorations and baked goods. If you have baked goods, please drop them off at the office on the 24th or 25th.

And please continue to sell your Luck Draw tickets. Return any extra tickets that are unsold so others can sell them. Remember that the winners of the Luck Draw will be chosen on the night of the Fall Festival and first prize is an iPad, second prize is a Kindle Fire and third prize is $100 in lottery tickets. Don’t miss out.

Spelling - ABC Order
Vocabulary - Copy definitions
Reading - RAZ Kids
Math - Reteaching 5-1 Q 1-12
             Practice 5-1 Q 1-7

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