Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thur. Oct. 17, 2013

Today is The Great California Shake Out!

We had a full earthquake drill at school today.  Students had to duck and cover in the classroom and then we all went outside onto the yard.  All the staff at Van Gogh have duties and responsibilities in the event of an earthquake e.g. search and rescue, first aid,  watching over the sudents, monitoring the LAUSD reunion gate etc.  Students remained outside while staff performed their duties.  Now is a good time to talk to your child about your own plans in the event of an earthquake.  Do you have your emergency supplies ready at home, in the car, at your office?   Did you remember to bring in a supply kit for your child at school?  While we all hope this never happens, we know that living in California, we are in earthquake land and being prepared is the best way to be!

Spelling:  10 sentences
Language Arts: PB Page 105 - plural nouns
                            PB Page 97 - comprehension - inferencing
Reading: RAZ Kids
Math: Division with decimals 

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