Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 :)

Today we need two pictures!!!

I love dogs too!

Don't forget tomorrow (Thursday) to wear black pants and white tops.  Scarves and hats will also add to the theme.


Language Arts: Helping Verbs w/s

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, Dec. 11th, 2012

Happy Tuesday To All!  Isn't this cat the cutest??


Language Arts:  Helping Verbs w/s

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Practice 11-6 Q 1- 10 only - show all work in notebook

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of Dec. 10th, 2012


So this is our last week before the Winter break and I'm sure you are all excited for the holidays.  I know I am.  
Just a few notes to remember for this week:

1) The Winter performance is on Thursday at 8:30 am and 10:30 am.  Please be sure your child is dressed in black pants and a white top.  Having a scarf and hat will add to the theme of the show too!

2) On Friday we will have our Winter Pizza Party in the room and will be watching a movie.  Thank you to the parents who are organizing this event.  It will be a great way to finish the week and the year.

Monday Homework

Spelling: ABC Order

Vocab: Copy definitions

Language Arts: P.B. Page 165 (main and helping verbs)

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteach 11-5 Q 1-6
          Reteach 11-6 Q1, 2, 4

That's all for now.
Ms. Bennett

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, Dec. 6th, 2012

Just too cute to pass up!!!
Happy Thursday

Please remember $5 for the pizza party 
Thank you!


Please note that students are working on completing a 6 hour reading log in order to win a ticket to Magic Mountain.  The reading that students are required to do for homework on RAZ Kids every night CAN BE considered part of this special reading log.  I am happy to sign off on it - but they MUST be reading on RAZ Kids every night, per my homework schedule.


Spelling: 10 sentences

Language Arts - Verb Tenses Page 30 w/s

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Practice 11-3 Q 7-12
          Practice 11-4 Q. 5 - 12

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 2012


Please note our winter holiday party will now be in Room 32.  Please be kind enough to donate $5 to cover expenses.  Thank you!

Homework - 

Spelling: SP 35 w/s

Language Arts: PB Page 153 - verb tenses

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 11-3
            Practice 11-3

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, Dec. 5th, 2012

Happy Tuesday To All!!



Spelling: SP 34 w/s (word sort)

Language Arts:  P.B. Page 152 (Verbs)

Reading - RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math:  Reteaching 11-3
           Practice 11-3

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of December 3, 2012

Happy Monday To All!!
Only 2 weeks left of school before our winter break :)

Sorry for not being very active on here since the Thanksgiving break...things have been getting a little hectic.  I will try my best to continue updating the blog daily.


Ms. Perry and Ms. Valiquette will be hosting the end of year Winter Pizza Parties.  Your children have been notified (or will be notified) of a minimum donation of $5 to cover the costs.  The parties will be occurring on Friday, December 14th at 11:15 a.m.

Winter Performance - all students will be performing in this year's Winter/Holiday Performance.  The performances will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  Please make sure you child is wearing black pants and a white top.  A scarf and hat would also be a great accessory.

Monday Homework

Spelling: ABC Order

Vocabulary: Copy definitions

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 11-2
          Practice 11-2

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wed. Nov. 14th, 2012

Language Arts - "The First Year" - Thanksgiving comprehension

RAZ Kids -
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 10-5 - show ALL work in notebook

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week of Nov. 13th, 2012

It's that time of year again!! 
May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving next week!

Homework - Tuesday Nov. 13th:

Language Arts - Thanksgiving Comprehension packet

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math:  Least Common Denominator

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri. Nov. 9th, 2012



Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homework 11/8/12

Spelling: SP 29 worksheet

Language Arts: Facts & Opinion worksheet

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 10-4
          Practice 10-4

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homework 11/7/12

Spelling: 3 x cursive

Language Arts: PB Page 129

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) listen
2) read
3) quiz

Math: Page 34 of worksheet

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homework Tues. Oct. 6, 2012

Spelling:  SP28 w/s

Language Arts: PB Page 128

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Practice 10-3 - Questions 1-14

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homework 11/1/12

Spelling: SP 26 Worksheet (fill in the blank)

Language Arts: P.B. Page 116
                          P.B. Page 109

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 10-1
           Practice 10-1

Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework Mon. Oct. 29th

Spelling: ABC Order

Vocabulary: Copy Definitions

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Take Quiz

Math: Reteaching 9-4 (Q 1 - 4)
           Practice 9-4 (Q 1 - 6)

Week of October 29th, 2012

Well sorry :( but it is Monday!!

Here's an update of happenings for this week.

1) Congratulations to Alfredo Cossio for receiving the Student of the Month Award for demonstrating good manners!

2) I am sending home last week's Weekly Comprehension/Spelling/Grammar test.  Please be sure to sign and return.

3) I am also sending home today the results of your child's first quarter district Math Assessment.  Please also sign and return the bottom portion of the notice.

4)This week will be the 4th and 5th Grade 1st Quarter Science Assessment.  Please make sure your children study their study guides.  Next week they will begin their new rotation with either myself, Ms. Perry or Ms.. Valiquette (5th grade)

Wednesday, October 31st - a.k.a. Halloween

The annual Halloween parade will begin promptly at 12:45 pm.  Parents are welcome to watch from the sidelines and arrive earlier to help their children into costumes.  The parade will end at 1:30 and students will then be dismissed.  Have fun and enjoy the evening trick-or-treating if that's what you will be doing.

The school is once again doing a "Candy Split" - a flyer went home last week about it.  Your children will more than likely collect way too much candy.  We are asking that you halve your candy and bring the rest in for me!!!  No, seriously, we collect candy for a food shelter/community center that helps young children.  What a blessing it is to be able to help others.


A few other reminders:
1) Please be sure your child is logging onto RAZ kids everyday and completing the reading tasks in their reading level.  They must listen to a story, then read the same story to themselves, then they must take the quiz.

2) If you haven't yet committed to the 5th Grade overnight field trip, this is a gentle reminder that we must know your decision by December 1st along with a $50 deposit.

3) Please remember to sign your child's behavior chart and planner every day.  They will receive a color change for not completing homework if it is not signed.

4) Upcoming dates to remember: 
    Monday, November 12th - no school in observance of Veteran's Day
    School will be closed for the whole week of Thanksgiving Nov. 19th - 23rd

Ok, here's another cute picture to sign off with.  Have a great week everyone.  Remember to be kind and gentle to others.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homework Thur. Oct. 25th

Tomorrow's Friday!!

Spelling: 10 sentences

Language Arts: Nouns w/s P 105
                          Comprehension w/s P. 97

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Take quiz

Math: Factors w/s

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homework Wed. Oct. 25th

Spelling: 3 x cursive

Language Arts: Nouns w/s GR 22

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Reteaching 9-3
Practice 9-3 Q 1-13

(I'll put up a picture tomorrow!!)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week of Oct. 22nd, 2012

Here are a few reminders:

1) Tomorrow (October, 23rd, 2012) will be Picture Make Up Day.  If your child was not present for school pictures, or you wish to have them retaken, please be sure to be dressed up tomorrow.

2) Friday, October 26th is Van Gogh's Fall Festival - come dressed in your costumes and be prepared to have a great time!

3) Next week is Halloween.  On Wednesday, October 31st, Van Gogh Charter will have their annual Halloween parade.   The parade will start promptly at 12:45 pm and school will be dismissed at 1:35 pm

4) 5th Grade Science Quarter 1 assessment is next week.  Your child should study form the study guides they have been given.  (My physical science class will be getting their study guides on Thursday)

Homework - Monday, Oct. 22nd.

Spelling - ABC Order

Vocabulary - Copy definitions

Reading - RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 9-1
           Practice 9-1 (Q1-3 only)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework 10/11/12

Spelling: 10 sentences in Spelling Journal

Language Arts: Nouns w/s GR 17

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Chapter 5 Review

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homework 10/10/12

Spelling: Cursive 3 times

Language Arts: Nouns P.B. Page 79

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Reteaching 5-3
Practice 503 (Q 1-8 only)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework 10/9/12

Spelling:  Word Sort P.B. Page 70

Vocabulary: Fill in the Blank P.B. Page 71

RAZ Kids:
1) listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Reteaching 5-2
Practice 5-2

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homework 10/8/12

Spelling: ABC order

Vocabulary: Copy Definitions

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 5-1
Practice 5-1

Week of Monday, October 8th, 2012

Good morning to all - yes, it is Monday again and we have another full week ahead in Room 32.

Language Arts 
This week the students will taking their first District Quarterly Literacy Assessment.  There are a total of 60 questions and they will be completing the assessment in chunks each day.   We are also beginning the 2nd unit of California Treasures.  This unit focuses on how the American West changed during this country's early years.  

The first quarterly District Math Assessment will begin next week.  We still have a lot of work to cover.  This week will be algebraic expressions and prime factors.  

Please remember it is vitally important for your child's education that they come to school every day, unless of course serious illness gets in the way or other family emergencies.  Often there is no time to catch them up if they are absent.

Tuesday, October 16th
All 5th grade students will be having a mandatory audio metric (hearing) test here at school.

Nothing much else to report, so have a great week.

Ms. Bennett

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homework 10/3/12

Apologies I forgot to put up the homework for Wednesday (yesterday!)

Here's tonight's homework

Language Arts: 1) Main Idea
                          2) Treats or Tricks

1) listen
2) read
3) quiz

Math: Reteaching 7-2 (Q 1-6)
           Practice 7-2 (Q 1-8)
All work in notebook.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homework 10/2/12

Language Arts:
1) Main Idea worksheet
2) Jack O' Lantern - comprehension

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) listen
2) read
3) quiz
Make sure you are selecting a book from your reading level.

Math:  Practice 4-5 (Q 1-6 only)  ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN NOTEBOOK

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework 10/1/12

Language Arts:  The Haunted House (comprehension)

Comprehension test signed and returned

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 4-5 (Q 1-3 only)
          Practice 4-5 (Q 1-9 only)


Week of October 1, 2012


Brace yourselves everyone, it's going to be hot, hot, hot outside today!  Drink plenty of fluids and keep calm!

Week of October 1st News

Language Arts - next week (October 8), the students will be taking the first quarter District Literacy Assessment.  What I have chosen to do this week is review skills and standards they will be tested on.  Therefore there will not be a particular weekly story read, or specific comprehension, vocabulary or spelling quiz.  There will be various comprehension passages they will be reading for homework and in class, and various grammar skills they will be working on.

Math - we are hot and heavy into division.  This appears to be an area of confusion for a number of students.  Please do your best to help them at home, but remember not to complete their homework for them!

Shockingly, this week is a FULL work week, no days off, no shortened days, a regular work week.  Please make sure you child comes to school every day and on time.  We have so much to do and not enough time to do it!


Thanks to some very generous people in this world, our latest Donors Choose project was fully funded over the weekend, with a random stranger donating the last $22 we needed!! (What a lesson in teaching kindness and giving!)  We can now look forward to receiving one more Nook for the classroom.  Thank you to the parents of Room 32 who helped make this happen.

That's all the reminders for this week.  
 Feel free to leave comments at the end of this blog if you would like to...kind only!!

Ms. Bennett

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework Sept. 25, 2012

Spelling: 3 times cursive

Language Arts: Practice Book P. 67 - run-on sentences
                          Comprehension: "Danny, Betsy..."

Reading: RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Reteaching 4-1  (Q 1-9 only)
          Practice 4-1 (Q 1-12 only)






Monday, September 24, 2012

Important Reminders - week of 9/24/12

Want to remind you all of a few things this week.

1) School will be closed on Wednesday, September 26th.

2) Parent conferences will be Thursday and Friday this week.  If I have scheduled an appointment with you, please be on time, so others aren't waiting and we can keep on schedule.

3) Thursday at 1:45pm, the movie "The Lorax" will be shown in the auditorium.  This is a 5th grade fund-raising venture, so please let your children participate and join everyone for the movie.  Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold at lunchtime and prior to the movie beginning.

Thank you.

Ms. Bennett

Homework Mon. Sept. 24, 2012


Spelling:  ABC Order

Vocabulary:  Copy vocabulary words and definitions

Language Arts: Comprehension "Making a Difference"

Reading:  RAZ Kids
1) Listen
2) Read
3) Quiz

Math: Practice 6-6 (Decimal word problems)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework - Thurs. Sept. 20th, 2012

Spelling:   Fill in the Blank

Language Arts:  Comprehension passage "Extreme Sand Sculpting"

Reading: RAZ Kids
     1) listen
     2) read
     3) quiz

Math: Reteaching 6-4 (Q 1-6 only)
          Practice 6-4 (Q 1- 6 Only)


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework - Wed. Sept. 19, 2012

Spelling:  Unscramble worksheet

Language Arts:  Comprehension "Compliments/Flattery"

Reading:  RAZ Kids
                 1) Listen
                 2) Read
                 3) Quiz

Math: Decimal Multiplication w/s


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homework Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 2012

Spelling: Challenge Words - ABC Order AND 3 times cursive

Language Arts:  Comprehension w/s "She's a Grand Old Flag"

Reading:  RAZ Kids - story to read is S.P.R.A.K.
 1) listen
 2) read
 3) quiz

Math: Reteaching 6-2  (Q 1-4)
           Practice 6-2  (Q 1-6)

Important Reminders for September

Good morning to all - I have lots of things I'd like to share with you today.

 1) Thursday, September 20th - PICTURE DAY. Please send your child to school looking their most beautiful!!  They may bring clothes to change into after their pictures have been taken.  Don't forget to send in your picture order in the envelope that was sent home to you a couple weeks ago. 

2) Friday, September 21st - VAN GOGH SPELLING CHALLENGE - Students will be participating in a school wide spelling challenge.  The 5th grade spelling challenge words have been uploaded to Spelling City.  Make sure you let your child go online to practice their words, play games and become 100% proficient.  In addition, this is a fund raiser for the school, so please collect as many pledges as you can and return the pledge form and money to me this week.

3) Parent Conferences - conferences are scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 27th and Friday, Sept. 28th.  I have notified all parents that I requested conferences with and confirmed our times.  

4) Early Dismissal - On Thursday, September 28th, students will be dismissed at 1:35 p.m.  A movie will be shown in the auditorium, the cost is $5.00, students will receive a bottle of water, some popcorn and some twizzlers.  This is also a fund raiser for the 5th grade overnight field trip, so we are encouraging to have as many 5th grade students there "representing"!!


The next deadline to return book orders is Friday, Sept. 28th.  You are also able to order online using our personal classroom code H84K9Click here if you wish to place your order online.


I have one last project that needs just $100 more to fully fund.   Our classroom will then receive another Barnes and Noble Nook.  I have less than 38 days to fully fund this project.  If you could help with a small donation, I know the students will be absolutely thrilled to receive another Nook for our ever-growing Electronic Library (currently we have 10!!).  Here's the link  

Well I think that's all for now.
Have a great week.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, Sept. 14th, 2012


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Don't forget school will be closed on Monday, Sept. 17th, 2012.

Happy New Year to all my Jewish family and friends at Van Gogh!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 13th, 2012

Happy Thursday!

In honor of author, Roald Dahl's Birthday today, here's a great quote from him

“So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall.”
Roald Dahl

First, thank you to all the parents who were able to attend last night's informative "Back to School Night" session.  I appreciate that you took the time out of all your busy schedules.

A reminder for you that if you received a notice about scheduling parent conferences, please return to school as soon as possible with your 1st and 2nd choices of times.  I will do my best to accommodate your requests.  Parent Conferences are schedules for Thursday Sept. 27th and Friday Sept. 28th.


Spelling: 10 sentences (use 10 different spelling words from your list this week and write 10 different sentences)

Vocabulary: Practice Book Page 47

Language Arts:  Practice Book Page 56 (Complex Sentences)

Reading: RAZ Kids
               1) Listen
               2) Read
               3) Quiz

Math:  Multiplication Word Problems Page 12 & 13

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

I look forward to seeing most you tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. for our rescheduled "Back to School Night".

Parents, on Thursday, September 28th the school will be having an early dismissal (1:35 p.m.) due to parent conferences.  There will be a movie shown in the auditorium.  This movie will be sponsored as a fund-raiser for the 5th Grade, to help with our overnight field trip fund raising.  We are looking for 5 parent volunteers to help with the movie - duties would include selling tickets at lunchtime on the yard; taking tickets prior to the movie beginning; handing out water and a snack to the students and supervising in the auditorium during the movie.  If you are able to spare a few hours after school on Thursday, September 28th, please let me know via email.

With regard to parent conferences, I will be sending out an email (in the next couple days) to parents that I wish to conference with.  

That's all for now.
Ms. Bennett

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10th, 2012


Well I know it's been a while since my last blog entry because of the recent family emergency I had in London.  Thank you to all who sent emails with well wishes.  It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the family there, but I am happy to be back in the classroom and getting back to what I'm here to do - TEACH!!

I'd like to remind you all that this Wednesday, September 12th @ 6:00 p.m. I will holding a "Back to School Night" meeting in order for you to learn more about what will be going on in Room 32 for your students this year.  I look forward to seeing you all then.  This meeting will only be for 30 minutes.  Just a reminder, this is not a time for parent conferencing.  I will be arranging those with you for the end of September.  

Another reminder is to please be sure your child goes on to RAZ kids every night to complete their reading homework.  They have been assigned a specific reading level and I would like them to complete their level before they move on.  They must always listen to a book first, then read it by themselves, then take the quiz. has all the weekly spelling lists and is a great source for your child to practice their spelling words. If you are not sure how to find the lists, please let me know and I will send you the directions again.

Another important date to remember is Thursday, September 20th - this is Picture Day - be sure to send your child looking their best.  They may bring clothes to change into after they have had their photos taken.

That's all for now folks.  Don't forget you can always contact me via email at anytime.

Ms. Bennett

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012


I loved this image, thought I'd share it with you all....have a Wacky Wednesday everyone!



Spelling:  10 sentences - choose 10 spelling words and write 10 different sentences.  Underline the spelling words in the sentences.

Language Arts:  1) Sentence Types w/s GR2
                            2) Comprehension w/s P. 11

Reading: RAZ Kids or read 20 minutes and have reading log signed

Math:  Reteaching 1-4 (Page 7)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Nothing earth-shattering to write today, so here's the homework list!


Spelling:   3 times cursive

Vocabulary: w/s P. 10

Language Arts: Practice Book P. 18 - sentence types

Math:  Reteaching 1-3 (Page 5) Place Value

Reading: RAZ Kids

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Magical Monday!!!

Good Monday morning to all.  I trust you and your family had a wonderful weekend, played, rested and went to bed early last night!!

This week begins our regularly scheduled programming.  We hit the books in Language Arts with our California Treasures curriculum.   In math we are continuing to work on place value and will be learning about tenths, hundredths and thousandths.  Place value is an extremely important skill for your child to learn and understand.  You can really help them on a daily basis, especially when you go shopping...point out those decimal places and have them name place value positions for numbers!

Here's a link to a very fun website with a game to help reinforce place value.  Trust me, your children will love it and will learn something too.

Spelling City is another great site for your kids to play around on.  The best thing about the site is that not only are they going to have fun learning how to spell, the words they will be learning are the weekly spelling words.  Every week your child will be having a new spelling list and each of these lists are available online at Spelling City.  If you are not sure how to find Ms. Bennett's lists, just follow these very simple directions:
  1. Go to (or click the link above)
  2. Click the tab "find a list"
  3. Type in Lisa Bennett in the "search term"
  4. Make sure it is set to search by "teacher name"
  5. Click "search"
Voila!  It's as easy as that.


Spelling:  Copy spelling words in ABC order

Vocabulary: Copy definitions

Language Arts: Sentence Types w/s GR1

Reading: RAZ Kids

Math: Place Value Reteaching 1-2 (Page 3)

Behavior Chart and Planner SIGNED by PARENT!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fun Day! Aug. 17th, 2012


Today is Friday Fun Day!  Nothing much to report on the blog, except that it's been a great start to the new school year.  

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, have fun and relax.

I leave you today with a cute cartoon to giggle at!

See you all on Monday.

Ms. Bennett

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

Happy Thursday to all - one more day until the weekend - YAY!!!
Parents -please remember to return the emergency information card to the school along with any other paperwork that hasn't been returned yet.

If you still owe $5 for the planner, please make sure your child brings in the money by the end of the week.  Thank you.

CONGRATULATIONS to all my 5th grade parents for returning the red information sheet I sent home.  It is the first time that I had 100% returned to me by the next day!! :)


Language Arts:     Shark Facts w/s

Reading:  RAZ Kids
1) listen
2) read
3) quiz

Math:  workbook Page 1 ONLY


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

Well I certainly hope your child's first day back at school yesterday was an exciting one and they are raring to go.

Thank you to all the parents and students that did check the blog yesterday, read the classroom guidelines and emailed me or commented with the answers to the two questions.

If you haven't already, please be sure to send in $5.00 for the planners.

Remember to return all paperwork required.

A HUGE THANKS to all the parents and students that brought in supplies, graphing notebooks, and other materials for the classroom.  I am forever grateful for your support.


  1. RAZ Kids - please choose a book from your level and 
      1. listen to the story
      2. read the story
      3. answer the questions
2.    Place Value w/s (math)

3.    Behavior chart signed
       Planner signed

Homework is a little light this week as I ease the students back into the idea of being back at school.  Next week you will be begin to see an increase to a more normal homework load.

Thank you again for your support and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at