Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back To School

I'd like to say I'm truly excited to be returning to school at Van Gogh Charter Elementary and I hope you and your child (children) all had a wonderful vacation from school. did many exciting things and are now ready to get going for the new school year.
Many of you are aware that I really love technology and also saving the planet!  I started this blog last year so that I could communicate with you all in a faster and much easier way.  While I tried to be consistently posting on a daily basis, I certainly began to become a little slack as the year went on.  I am really going to work on that not being the case this year!  Please remember, that communicating through this blog and via email, will truly contribute to reducing our carbon footprint in this world.  
So how does this blog work??

My goal with this blog is to keep you (parents) and my students up to date with all things going on in the classroom i.e. homework assignments, upcoming events, important dates to remember, links to great educational websites, and just some other fun stuff that I would love to share with you.  In return, I hope you and your child will feel comfortable to interact with me via this blog, in addition to at school.  I'd love to hear suggestions for things that you'd like to see on the blog, to know if you are finding it useful etc.

The next blog post will include information about the classroom guidelines.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post.

Ms. Bennett

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